Hope, not fear of the future
In church you hear the good news of God’s love for people and all creation. In the face of evil and suffering, it isn’t always easy to trust in his love.
Contemplation, not hurry
Churches are oases in the midst of our stressful life. The invite you to be calm and receive God’s presence and peace.
Stability, not lack of boundaries
The church year with its themes, hymns and songs and prayers, gives structure and rhythm to the year. It is like a trellis for our life. Church reminds us how important this support is in a confusing and complex world. It reminds us what is truly important: The blessing of God.
Clarity, not indifference
In the life of Jesus you can discern lasting values: Working for peace and standing for truth, loving neighbour and reverence for life. These are values the church lives by, even if it hasn’t always expressed them in its history.
Refuelling, not draining
In church you receive the blessing of God. You are not judged by your achievements, but invited to receive God’s love and the life he’s given you as a free gift.
Valued, not judged
The Christian message emphasises the dignity and uniqueness of every person. You are not judged but taken seriously as a person with gifts, strengths and weaknesses. You can come as you are.
Solidarity, not selfishness
The love of God reaches out to all. People in church are therefore reaching out to the weak, vulnerable and disadvantaged. Christians do this by prayer and action.
Together, not alone
A church community consists of very different people, from the youngest to the oldest. They are connected by their openness to the message of Jesus Christ. For different interests and needs there is a range of smaller groups and events.
Forgiven, not repressed
Christians have conflicts, just as everyone else. Church reminds them that Jesus encourages us to own up to our mistakes and forgive one another, just as he forgives us. Confession and Holy Communion can lead you into freedom. You can start again and find ways to deal with conflicts.
Creativity, not monotony
Music and art have been a creative force in church for 2,000 years. A living faith creates new forms of art in every generation and enriches our wellbeing and that of our society.
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