About Us
Every successful individual knows that his or her achievement depends on a community of persons working together.
Ever since Jesus died and rose again about 2000 years ago, people have come together to work out what that means for their lives, to follow Him together and to share his love with others in word and action.
The Parish of Denham is part of that world-wide family of people. Church is first and foremost about those people – special buildings (‘churches’) came later.
Together with Christians around the world we believe that God is offering us a relationship with Him, a God who is three-in-one: a Father who has made us and loves every single person. His Son, Jesus Christ, who became a human being, showed us what God is like and through his death and resurrection has defeated the powers of darkness, sin and death. And the Holy Spirit, God’s living and active presence today who has the power to change lives and transform society.
“The church lies at the very centre of the eternal purpose of God. It is not a divine afterthought. It is not an accident of history. On the contrary, the church is God’s new community.”
John Stott
Our vision is the result of a broad consultation with the church family and leadership in 2017. It describes the community we believe God is calling us to be (‘where we are going’). From this vision flows our mission action plan – concrete steps to help us move in that direction (‘how we will get there’).
Christoph Lindner
Carlene Litchmore
Francis Moloney
Parish Assistant
Samantha Carter
Louise Hardy
Victoria Lucas
Parish Secretary