‘Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.’ Psalm 119:105
Christians believe that we can read the Bible to hear God’s voice, to get to know him more and to seek his guidance in our daily lives. At Denham Parish Church we encourage everyone to read the Bible – on their own and together with others.
More about reading the Bible in one year…
Here are some resources to help you read and reflect on the Bible on your own:
You can listen to many of our Bible talks and Sunday services here. It includes a series of talks giving an overview of the big story of the whole bible (search for ‘bible’ or click on ‘bible overview’ in the tag cloud).
Read the Bible daily
We partner with Bible Reading Fellowship (BRF) who produce a range of daily bible reading notes in a variety of formats, including mobile apps. Find out more… https://www.biblereadingnotes.org.uk
Contact us [hyperlink to our contact page] if you would you like to receive a free sample from us or join our list of regular subscribers.
HTB Bible in one year https://www.bibleinoneyear.org/
This is a website that guides you through the entire Bible in one year. It also includes daily reflections from Nicky and Pippa Gumbel from Holy Trinity Brompton (HTB). You can subscribe to a daily email or download a free app for mobile devices.
Youversion app of the Bible https://www.youversion.com/
The free youversion app is the entire bible on your phone. With daily bible reading plans and different translations. It includes audio versions of several bible translations – listening to the bible text can deepen our engagement and can be done ‘on the move’.
Lectio 365: In this approach to reading the Bible you take just one passage and then read it slowly and prayerfully, noticing where your attention is drawn. This is an ancient practice, sometimes called lectio divina and 24-7 Prayer have just launched the app Lectio 365, which helps you do that, following the simple pattern P.R.A.Y.: Pause – Rejoice – Ask – Yield. Find out more…
Here are some opportunities to read the bible with others:
Reading the bible together is an important part of our lifegroup meetings.
During the Coronavirus crisis we are meeting in small Bible Book Clubs to read the bible on Zoom. Interested? Contact us…
Many people find it helpful to read the bible one-to-one with another Christian. Contact us if you would like to find out more.