Read the Bible in One Year

One of the healthy habits of Christians who want to deepen their faith is a regular rhythm of reading the Bible. Make 2020 your “Year with the Bible”!

Here are some ideas to get you started:



(1) Use Bible Reading Notes

One of our mission partners, the Bible Reading Fellowship began as a group of people who wanted to go deeper in reading and applying the Bible. Today BRF offers a range of Bible study notes – always with a reading, a reflection and a prayer for each day.

There are also apps for most of these Bible reading notes, so you can subscribe and read on your phone or tablet.

BRF has just published “The BRF Book of 365 Bible Reflections” to celebrate its centenary year in 2022.
Click here to find out more…




(2) Read the Bible in one Year

There are special Bibles which are already laid out for your day-by-day, so you know exactly what and how much to read to stay on track. Don’t worry if you can’t start on 1 January or fall behind a bit, just do what you can and it really doesn’t matter if it takes you 15 months! Guilt shouldn’t come into it! Just make sure you get a version that suits you best (read on!).

Most plans mix it up every day and give you a portion from the Old Testament, from the New Testament and a couple of Psalms or section from the poetry books. Others try to arrange the Bible in chronological order so you get a better overview of the big story of God with us. The disadvantage of the latter is that it takes a long time to get to Jesus and some books of the Old Testament are not the easiest read. So we would suggest the “Bible in one Year” plan, which mixes things up.

Of course you can use your regular Bible and download this reading plan from the International Bible Society. It is identical to the “Bible in one Year’ plan (see below), but the days are undated, which avoids the stress of falling behind or not starting on 1 January. The Bible passages are hyperlinked – when you click on them you can read the passage in a browser. This plan can also be viewed online…

One of the popular one-year Bible programmes is Bible in one Year. You can download the app or read it in a browser. This contains the passages with reflections by Nicky and Pippa Gumbel and prayers for each day. If you prefer it in book form you can order it here…





(4) A tailored reading plan for you

If you are not sure where to begin, why not talk to another Christian or one of our ministers? Some study Bibles contain reading plans on specific topics and life situations. A study Bible is a great long-term investment – we would recommend this one…

The youversion of the Bible is a free app which contains a range of tailored reading plans.




(5) Reflect deeply on a shorter Bible passage

In this approach to reading the Bible you take just one passage and then read it slowly and prayerfully, noticing where your attention is drawn. This is an ancient practice, sometimes called lectio divina and 24-7 Prayer have just launched the app Lectio 365, which helps you do that, following the simple pattern P.R.A.Y.: Pause – Rejoice – Ask – Yield. Find out more…

NEW: 24-7 Prayer have launched Lectio for Families
Find out more…



(6) Read the Bible with others in lifegroups and bible book clubs

At the heart of our small group meetings is growing in faith and friendship. We read and reflect on the Bible together and are enriched by what others find.

Bible Book Clubs meet online for 40-60 minutes once a week to read the bible together.

Interested in finding out more? Contact us…


The important thing is to try one thing and if it doesn’t suit you after a while, not to give up, but try another approach! If you’re not sure where to start, do get in touch and we’d love to have a chat with you.