Join us this year as we journey together through Holy Week. You can take part ONLINE (on YouTube) and ONSITE (St Mary’s Church, Denham Village):
Click here for our YouTube Channel…
Click here for St Mary’s Church…
ONSITE (St Mary’s)
All through Holy Week:
Easter Trail around St Mary’s Church
Spot the posters introducing the main characters of the Easter story – starting with Joey, the Palm Sunday donkey and finishing with Jesus himself.
Easter Quiz around St Mary’s Church
Find all the Easter egg posters, answer the questions and send your answers to by Sunday 18 April. There are prizes!
Palm Sunday – 28 March
10.30am: Family Service (and then available to stream)
Join us for our Family Service on YouTube. We will be ‘hearing’ from Joey, the Donkey and worship together in a way that is suitable and fun for all ages. Do join us afterwards for Church Coffee Online.
Pick up a palm cross on your daily exercise walk past St Mary’s Church!
All through Holy Week:
Morning Prayer on YouTube
Join us for Morning Prayer from Monday to Saturday of Holy Week (except Good Friday). Available to stream from 6am. Click here for Morning Prayer…
Our ministers Ian, Christoph and Nnamdi will be leading it in turn, with a short presentation each day by J John on Jesus’ words from the cross. Download the prayer sheet here…
Wednesday 31 March
6.00pm: Weekly Evening Prayer on Zoom
Meeting ID: 898 4998 8454
Passcode: 189187176
(Please note: There will be no evening prayer on Wednesday 7 April)
Maundy Thursday 1 April
7.30pm: Holy Communion (and then available to stream)
We will mark Jesus’ last meal with his disciples with an online service of Holy Communion. Please bring a piece of bread to share in spiritual communion.
Click here for the service…
Good Friday – 2 April
10.30am: Reflection at the Cross (and then available to stream)
A reflective service to help us relive the last hours of Jesus’ life in readings, hymns, anthems and reflections.
Click here for the service…
ONSITE (St Mary’s)
2.45 pm–3.15 pm: Silent Prayer at St Mary’s
The church will be open for personal prayer.
Easter Sunday – 4 April
ONSITE (St Mary’s)
9.30am: Easter Sunday service, followed by Holy Communion (we are sorry, there are no more places available, please join us for…)
10.30am: Our Easter Celebration will be an all-age service.
Click here for the service on YouTube…
Click here for the service on FaceBook…
ONSITE (St Mary’s)
Are you passing St Mary’s Church on your daily walk today? Why not bring some cut flowers and add them to our Easter Cross in the churchyard!
Sunday 11 April
ONSITE (St Mary’s)
9.30am: Sunday service (to sign up from Monday, 5 April click here…)
10.30am: Our online service will be on ZOOM today.
Meeting ID: 873 7869 7539
Passcode: 032753
or click here to join the service on Zoom…