Prayers Friday 3rd September 2021

Thank you, Lord, for your constant presence in my life. Thank you for giving me a body that reveals your glory. Fill me with greater affection for you as I  surrender all of my life to you.
Stir up my hope and expectation for the day when I step into the fullness of all your promises. Lord, I want to glorify you in all that I do. Renew and re-create in me whatever feels tired and used up. Help me to recognize and acknowledge the big and little miracles you have done in my life.
Give me the courage to persist in my prayer, even as you give me the peace of knowing that you will work things out for my good. Help me to put you first each day, so that I can find my home with you.
Holy Spirit, I need your wisdom and self control so that I can stand firm. Transform my thoughts, intentions, and actions by your grace. Take my life, and mold it into your image. Take me by the hand, and lead me through the open doors. May my worship today, bring me closer to you and make me reflect more of your character. Amen.
Good morning.

Have an amazing day GOD bless us all