A Bible Story for All Ages
This is an interactive retelling of Matthew 20. It’s especially suitable for primary school-aged children.
This is an interactive retelling of Matthew 20. It’s especially suitable for primary school-aged children.
Our mission partner BRF is celebrating a special service to mark its 100-year history.
It will premier on Sunday 24 April at 3pm on their Youtube channel. You can also watch it afterwards.
Our current issue of Denham Parish News has a central pull-out section to help us reflect on Jesus’ movements during Holy Week.
You can download the magazine as a PDF here…
It starts with Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem tomorrow and leads us through the week to Easter. Each day has a short reading, a reflection and a prayer.
You can also trace Jesus’ movement on the map above (it’s reproduced in the magazine).
Join Jesus during a week that changed the world!
On Sunday, Christoph talked with Samuel Kpagheri at Church Coffee Online. Samuel works with Wycliffe Bible Translators in Togo and West Africa as a translation consultant.
We talk about the bible in Ncam, the local language, to which Samuel contributed. It was completed in 2015. Alongside it runs a literacy programme especially geared towards women who have a crucial role in the education of the next generation. Many people do not have the resources to buy their own Bible in Ncam. This Lent, can you make a contribution towards free and subsidised Bibles so that many more can read the Bible in their mother tongue?
You can give online by clicking here,* or make an online bank transfer (details below).
Watch the interview:
*(All online donations made until Good Friday will be given to our Lent Appeal).
Details for online bank transfer:
Denham Parochial Church Council
Barclays Bank Uxbridge
(Please make sure you spell the name exactly like this as banks are clamping down on the smallest mistake due to widespread fraud)
Account No.: 30305553
Sort Code: 208916
Type of Account: Business Account
Payment Reference: Bibles
Last Sunday we reflected on Jesus’ 40 days in the wilderness. The number 40 is often significant in the Bible for a journey of challenge and growth (think about Israel’s 40 years in the wilderness!).
Join us in the “Mark 40 Challenge”!
Read the Gospel of Mark in 40 readings. You could do it in 40 days (good for stamina and discipline) or just read two or three passages per week. The important thing is to commit to it, put the times in your diary and then stick with it as much as possible. That way you will establish the healthy habit of reading the Bible on a regular basis.
Click here for a list of the 40 passages, always with a thought or a question for each day…
Today we introduce another healthy habit of the Christian life: Reading and learning from the Bible. Join Edda and Christoph live from the Rectory. Find all the links mentioned in the service below.
Today is Bible Sunday and we will reflect on how the Bible can speak to us at this particular time. Find all the links below.
Church Coffee Online at 11.15am…
Open the Book Story: The Big Party…
Activity Sheet for Children and Families…
Andrew Ollerton’s book “The Bible – A Story That Makes Sense of Life”…
Preacher: Christoph Lindner
Bible Reading: Nehemiah 8.1-10 (included in the recording
If you’d like to explore the Christian faith, we’d love to be part of your journey of faith. There are also some helpful websites as a starting point:
St Mary’s Church Office
Village Road
Denham UB9 5BH
Tel: 01895 832771
Monday 09:30am – 12:00 pm
Tuesday 09.30am – 12:00 pm
Wednesday Office Closed
Thursday 9:30 am – 12:00 pm
Friday 9:30 am – 12:00 pm