Tag Archive for: Advent

Pause for Christmas!

Why not use our Pause for Advent reflections during the quieter days after Christmas? They tell the “prequel” of Christmas.

Find them all here…

Pause for Advent 5: Abusing Creation

Pause for Advent 4: Homesick

The last two years have exacerbated our sense of being uprooted. The latest “Pause for Advent” traces the roots of this human condition and how Jesus came to meet us in our ‘homelessness’.

As these Pauses for Advent trace the whole Christmas story you might want to watch them in the right order.

Catch up on all episodes here…

Pause for Advent – follow our reflections on Youtube

These reflections will be posted a couple of times per week – an opportunity to slow down for 5-7 minutes.

You can find all previous videos by clicking here…


01 Pause for Advent: Made Good

Our first advent reflection – with an unplanned interruption!

This Advent, let’s pause for Advent a couple of times a week.

Based on Jo Swinney’s book “The Whole Christmas Story”.

Subscribe to our YouTube channel and allow notifications to get a message when a new Pause for Advent is ready.

201220 Morning Worship (Advent 4) at 10.30am

Join Edda and Christoph live from the Rectory on this fourth Advent Sunday.

A short service as we begin Christmas week. Do say hello in the chat – it helps to worship ‘together apart’. Find all the links below.

Community Carol Service, 20 December, 4pm…

Sign up for your special Christingle in a Bag…

Sunday, 27 December: No service at Denham Parish Church

Join the service of the Diocese of Oxford…

Join the national Church of England service…

201213 Sunday Worship (Advent 3)

Today we reflect on the life and story of John the Baptist and how we can learn from him about “Hope-filled Expectation”. Find all the links below!