Sunday Worship 14 June

We are continuing to explore the healthy habit of prayer with a question from one of our children; Nnamdi will help us to think about ‘outward prayer’ and we hear from Francis Moloney about racial justice and equality.

Click on the links mentioned in our service:

Virtual Coffee at 11.15am…

Sunday Club for today, led by Kim Van Campfort…

Activity Sheets for children and families…

“Prayer is Talking with God” video…

“The Life We Were Made For” – Invitation Flyer with details:

Give online to the work of Denham Parish Church…

SERMON: Easter Ressurection Life

21st April 2019- Francis Moloney, 10.30am This talk is based on Luke 24:1-12

SERMON: Who is Jesus?

24th February 2019 – Francis Moloney, 10.30am

SERMON: Introducing Ephesians – Worship from a prison cell

29th July 2018 – Francis Moloney, 10.30am

This talk introduces a new series on Ephesians based on Ephesians 3:14-21.

Read the transcript here.

Useful Resources for Ephesians:

Map showing some of the locations referenced in the talk:

Click to enlarge

Rembrandts painting of Paul, referenced in the talk:

Click to enlarge

Commentaries on Ephesians:

Introductory commentaries for use in daily devotions:

John Stott, The Message of Ephesians.

Tom Wright: Paul for Everyone: The prison letters.

Introductory devotional commentary, slightly more technical:

Klyne Snodgrass, The NIV Application Series: Ephesians. 

Technical commentaries:

F. F. Bruce, New International Commentary On The New Testament: Epistles to the Colossians, to Philemon and to the Ephesians. 

Frank Thielman, Ephesians: Baker exegetical commentary on the New Testament.

Short video introduction to Ephesians: