Mothering Sunday: All the flowers have been picked up…
… so here is a virtual tour of St Mary’s from this morning:
Our Mothering Family Service is available to watch now:
… so here is a virtual tour of St Mary’s from this morning:
Our Mothering Family Service is available to watch now:
On Tuesday our two Archbishops sent a letter to all Church of England clergy, advising them that “public worship will have to stop for a season. our usual pattern of Sunday services and other mid-week gatherings must be put on hold.”
This does not mean that the life of the church is being put on hold! We continue to pray, welcome and share like Jesus, but we need to find new ways of doing this and of being the church in these unprecedented times.
Our website will be updated on a regular basis as we discover what it means to be the family of Jesus in times of Coronavirus. If you have any thoughts or ideas, please email Christoph.
Find the latest Church of England advice here…
This post is now out of date and will not be updated anymore. For the latest update, please click here.
We Pray
Pray for those infected by the coronavirus in China and around the world, for those who care for them, for health specialists and authorities who are combatting the spread of infection, and of course for all who at this time are feeling anxious. If you are reducing your contacts with others or self-isolating please let us know so we can stay in contact with you (just send an email or call our church office); you can prayer morning and evening prayer with this link. Lectio365 is an app which offers a daily bible reading, reflection and prayer. Please get in touch with Christoph, Ian or Nnamdi if you would like to have a conversation over the phone. We’d love to talk and pray with you. This blog (“The Latest”) also contains recent sermons and articles, as well as our news sheet, to keep you connected.
We Welcome
All our services will continue and be open to all. Many people will be particularly anxious at this time and we want to offer them a space to meet with God and to know his peace, which passes understanding. If you’d like come to church for private prayers, please ring the vestry door bell during office hours.
It is also part of our welcome to encourage people to stay safe and healthy. Please scroll down to the heading “Coronavirus” to read what we are doing to limit exposure to COVID-19.
We Share
As the Church of Jesus Christ we are called to be a non-anxious presences that speaks of the Prince of Peace and His wonderful coming kingdom.
Here are four golden rules by Alan Smith, the Bishop of St Albans:
Bishop Alan says, “Let’s be sensible but let’s see it as an opportunity to serve and to care for others.”
The threat posed by COVID-19 is still classed as ‘moderate’ by the UK Chief Medical Officers. This permits the Government to plan for all eventualities. On Thursday, 12th March, the UK moved from the “containment” to the “delay” phase of the outbreak. Individuals with a new persistent cough or high fever are being told to stay at home for seven days. Please do NOT attend church meetings if you have a new persistent cough or high temperature, but let us know so we can pray and stay in touch.
If you are ill then call 111. Do not soldier on. This will help prevent the spread of disease. If you are unsure whether you need to take action, the NHS is now offering an online self-assessment tool here…
Wash hands. Presiding ministers will use hand sanitisers. Please make use of the hand sanitiser available at the back of St Mary’s Church. We will make paper towels available at St Mary’s (loos and kitchen) to avoid the use of tea towels and to comply with WHO recommendations (e.g. turn off tap with a paper towel after washing hands).
Holy Communion in one kind only
As of 10 March we are offering communion in one kind only (only the presiding minister will also drink from the cup), as advised by the Archbishops of Canterbury and York. We will also refrain from physical contact during the sharing of the peace or at the door.
It is Anglican teaching that to receive the sacrament in one kind only (ie. just the bread) is to receive the sacrament in its entirety.
Persons administering Holy Communion will NOT place the wafer on the tongue as it is a potential source of transmission.
How will you mark Lent? The Church of England’s #LIVELENT programme (which includes an app) will focus on Care for God’s Creation:
Tearfund’s Lent devotional ALIVE (prayers, poems, reflections) can be ordered here (as daily email or booklet):
By Nnamdi Maduka
There is a growing appeal for action as Christians continue to be persecuted in Nigeria.
“Every day,” says Father Joseph Bature Fidelis, of the Diocese of Maiduguri, “our brothers and sisters are slaughtered in the streets.”
In a dramatic appeal to the charity, “Aid to the Church in Need”, Father Fidelis says the situation in northern Nigeria continues to deteriorate for Christians who are under attack by fundamentalist Islamic militants.
His latest appeal follows the abduction of four young seminarians in the city of Kaduna, in north western Nigeria. An estimated 1000 Nigerian Christians were murdered in 2019 alone for their faith. Some 6000 of them have been killed since 2015.
Although the government of Muhammadu Buhari says it has put a number of security measures in place, it appears incapable of preventing continued violence.
Father Fidelis appeals on behalf of Nigerian Christians, ‘please help us not be silent in the face of this immense persecution’.
We raised £2000 during Advent and Christmas for our Christmas appeal. We will divide the amount equally between two charities: TRINITY/SHOC, who are changing lives for homeless people in our area, and TEARFUND, helping those who have suffered unimaginably due to conflict and poverty. Thank you for your generosity!
A big thank you to all who filled the Christingle Tubes £370.40 was raised which will go to The Children’s Society.
If you’d like to explore the Christian faith, we’d love to be part of your journey of faith. There are also some helpful websites as a starting point:
St Mary’s Church Office
Village Road
Denham UB9 5BH
Tel: 01895 832771
Monday 09:30am – 12:00 pm
Tuesday 09.30am – 12:00 pm
Wednesday Office Closed
Thursday 9:30 am – 12:00 pm
Friday 9:30 am – 12:00 pm