Prayers for Friday 5th March 2021
Today we pray, thanking God for all His blessings upon us. He has shown mercy and compassion upon His children. Hallelujah !!
Henceforth, we will always see and witness God’s Grace upon our lives. Everyone around us will testify to this & glorify God.
Let us pray:
Thank you Lord for the gift of this new day, your love for us is new every morning. We thank you for being faithful even when we are faithless. Today, we pray for all who are sick in body, mind or soul. We pray for the aged and all who are frail.
We pray for all who are troubled in their spirits and those who are afraid.
We pray for who in the midst of multitude are lonely.
We pray for wholeness and healing for everyone.
And so Lord Jesus we pray:
‘Thy touch has still its ancient power
No word from thee can fruitless fall
Hear in this solemn hour of prayer
And in thy mercy heal us all’
Lord in your mercy, hear our prayers