On Tuesday 3 May, our PCC updated the risk assessment for meetings and services in our building:
As the country has moved forward with guidance around the wearing of masks and social distancing, we have updated our risk assessment at St Mary’s.
With many people attending weddings, funerals and baptisms without wearing masks, and members of our church family asking if it is necessary to wear masks, we would like to propose that we have changed our guidance to be less rigid. We are also allowing seating in all areas of church.
There is no requirement to wear a face covering inside the building, including when singing. However, if you feel more comfortable please continue to wear a face covering. We ask that if you feel ill that you take part in the church service online. If you choose to attend the church service onsite with symptoms, kindly take a lateral flow test first.
You are welcome to sit in any of the pews in the centre of the church but if you would prefer to stay at a distance from people other than your immediate family please sit in the side pews.
As the warmer weather should be with us for the next few months, we will continue to ventilate the building before, during and after services.
We will continue to serve communion in one kind only in the chancel but we won’t operate a one-way system anymore.
We will use the West door both for entry and exit. The South door will also be open if people want to leave that way.