We all long for a place called “home”.
Because that’s how God made us.
When we know God as our Father, Jesus as our Saviour,
and other Christians as our family, we have truly come home.

And in that home, every member of the family is loved, valued,
and has a contribution to make – a life of purpose.

Over the course of three Sundays we are exploring the theme “Hotel to Home” under the following headings:

23 October: From visitor to follower.
30 October: From guest to investor.
6 November: From spectator to player.

Join us at St Mary’s Church for our 9am Holy Communion service or for our 10.30am service – both at St Mary’s and on YouTube.

Here is an introduction from our Rector, Christoph Lindner:

Scroll down for recordings of the talks and other resources to go deeper.

We asked: What is the difference between a hotel and a home? You answered …

  • Home is where hospitality is key and family can behave as they are themselves, with some restrictions but a place where you can relax, laugh and chat.
  • Home is a place to host, hotel is being hosted.
  • A hotel is where you go to escape home, but a home is where you always return to.
  • Hotel, you can pay for the best. Home, you have to make it the best or make the best of it!
  • You can leave a hotel behind but when you believe, trust and love the Lord he is everywhere and forever with you as your home.
  • In a hotel you can be a customer, a stranger, a business person, a tourist, a student etc. and at home you can be you, just you.
  • A hotel requires payment, so we and also the staff are usually very polite and well behaved.
    Whilst at home (not badly behaved!) but we can kick of our shoes, relax, and be completely OURSELVES.
  • Hotel is impersonal,  somewhere we visit for a short while and move on –  home is where we are loved, have our roots, feel safe and want to stay.
  • Hotel: impersonal, with no memories, nor attachments. Home: personal, smell, pictures, filled with memories of family and friends.
  • Whilst it is lovely to stay at different hotels, the saying “there is no place like home” is so true.
  • Home: It’s full of memories and goes on producing more.

Catch up on the service…

Catch up on the talk only…

Use the small group resource to explore this theme further:
Click here to download it…


(At the end of this series we are inviting you to make responses to all three themes.)

(1) Explore more deeply what it means to follow Jesus 

• Start praying, even if you never have. Speak to God in your own words, as to a friend. “Try Praying” is a booklet that can help.

• Read “The Story” (Luke’s Gospel and the Acts of the Apostles). Email us for a free copy…

• Come to Alpha in January. Alpha is an introduction to the Christian faith that has helped people all over the world explore faith in Jesus. Receive a notification about Alpha when more details are available…

• Sign up for baptism preparation if you have never been baptised before. Contact us…

• Meet up one-to-one with someone who has been a Christian for a while.

(2) Engage more deeply as a follower of Jesus 

• Become part of a Lifegroup or Bible Book Club.

• Make space for daily prayer and Bible reading (e.g. Lectio365).

• Meet up one-to-one with another Christian to pray.

• Sign up for confirmation preparation if you have never been confirmed. Contact us…

(3) Grow as a Christian leader in the church and in the world 

• Sign up for a Leaders’ Course at Denham Parish Church (details TBC).

• Find specific training that suits you (e.g. St Paul’s Theological Centre, London School of Theology, LICC).

• Be equipped to meet with others one-to-one to help them grow. 

• Read Mark Greene’s book Thank God It’s Monday. (Paper book  |  Ebook)

Catch up on the service…

Catch up on the readings and talk only…

“What kind of legacy do you want to leave”?


  • To have made a positive difference to other people’s lives and touched their hearts.
  • To trod God’s earth lightly and never knowingly fail any brother or sister in need.
  • To have invested in a positive Christian way in lives of others.
  • To have left a positive influence on others to encourage them in all goodness.
  • To have grown in my love for Jesus and to have made him known.

THANK YOU! How would you answer this question?

Use the small group resource to explore this theme further:
Click here to download it…


(At the end of this series we are inviting you to make responses to all three themes.)

Following Jesus as Lord of all our lives is the beginning and end of discipleship. How can I take a next step?

(1) Begin to give from your first fruits and trust in God’s provision. You may want to begin small and then increase your regular giving as you experience the faithfulness of God.

(2) For those of us who aren’t struggling financially at the moment: Can you prayerfully ask whom you could support by giving away the government fuel allowance this winter?

(3) Review your regular giving – can you take a faith step and increase it? What small lifestyle change might enable you to do that (e.g. two bottles of wine less per month > £10 per month increase)? For the Parish Giving Scheme, click here… 

(4) Leave a legacy for Denham Parish Church in your will. Consider not restricting it to a specific purpose.  This is a vote of trust in the future leadership to use it for God’s glory. For more on legacy giving, click here and scroll down to the bottom of the page.

Catch up on the service…

Catch up on the readings and talk only…

“What is your top tip on being a great team member?”?


  • ‘There’s no I in team!’. We all work together and put individual wants, needs behind us and collaborate to get the best out of each other.
  • There is more than one way to reach any given goal – and yours isn’t even necessarily the best one.
  • A great team member brings out the best in the rest of the team.
  • Support the team leader, encourage him/her and provide constructive criticism in appropriate ways.
  • Listening!
  • Commitment
  • Contribute
  • Never prejudge an outcome – listen, listen, and listen again. The team leader may have to change their view. I often did!
  • Be honest , praise others , use the talent you have in the team to deliver great and meaningful solutions.
  • Being a great team member is knowing you can rely on and trust each other.
  • Being a team member means respecting others opininion without losing yours and sharing others who may be very different.
  • Communicate well. Be non agressive but subtly assertive. Allow the less confident to have a voice and feel valued.

THANK YOU! How would you answer this question?

Use the small group resource to explore this theme further:
Click here to download it…


(At the end of this series we are inviting you to make responses to all three themes.)

Following Jesus as Lord of all our lives is the beginning and end of discipleship. How can I take a next step?

We have published a booklet “Growing Hearts of Service” with more information and a “Volunteer Catalogue” that lists the many serving opportunities at Denham Parish Church. Use these two resources (see download links below) to reflect on the following questions.

(1) Is there an area of ministry at Denham Parish Church / at my home church / in Christian ministry that I would like to explore more? Who can I contact to find out more?

(2) Do I have a passion to offer my gifts to a particular group of people (different ages, life situations, etc.)? How can I find out more about opportunities in that area?

(3) Do I see a need in my church? Could I offer myself to respond to that need? A “first serve” can give me a better sense of it without ‘signing up for life’.


We have created a booklet that sets out the WHY and HOW of being actively involved in the life of our church (or any other church and volunteering organisation). Alongside it we have produced a Volunteering Catalogue describing in more detail all the roles at Denham Parish Church, in which people give of their time, talents, and experience. Please download both resources with the links below.

Download the leaflet Growing Hearts of Service

Download the current Volunteering Catalogue