Lent Appeal Update: The Bibles in Ncham have been delivered

(Ladies holding their new Bibles in a Baptist church)
Our mission partner Samuel Kpagheri (Wycliffe Bible Translators) in Togo has sent us this update:
“The ladies who received the Bibles were very happy. They promised to read their Bibles and to get to know more God. Here is the testimony of one of the ladies who received her Bible: “I really want to thank God for this wonderful gift, a new Bible in my mother tongue. Tell those who sent money to buy Bibles that God will bless them abundantly. I used to see people holding their Bibles in the church and anytime the Sunday school teacher asks for those who came to church with their Bibles, I was always ashamed. But today, I can gladly stand up with my Bible.” The pastors and priests of different churches visited were also grateful for the gift.
We will also start literacy programmes in two villages with the remaining money. We will provide them primers and two teachers for each village.
On behalf of these different churches and ladies, I wish to thank you very much for your huge gift that had allowed 75 women to possess a Bible in their mother tongue. May the Lord abundantly bless you.”