Prayers Friday 22nd October 2021
Please Let us glorify and magnify the name of our God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ because in him, the Church is blessed with every spiritual blessing in heavenly realms.
Today, we pray that God enable us to use our prayers as an outward missional tool, as we pray for more labourers in God’s vineyard.
‘In Christ, you have raised us up and we are seated with him in heavenly places far above all rulers and authority, powers and dominion: to the intent that through the Church the manifold wisdom of God should be made known to the principalities and powers.’
We pray against all principalities and powers; We pray for the opening of eyes to all that are spiritually blinded by evil forces. We pray for freedom to all who are bound by forces of darkness and powers of hell. We pray for liberation to all whose minds are confused by the agents of darkness that they cannot think aright.
We pray for our homes, especially for husbands that Satan has deceived to abandon their wives and families that they may have a change of heart.
We pray for wives that have turned their homes to hell making lives unbearable for their husbands and children that God will touch such women and change their hearts.
We pray for children that are giving great concerns to their parents that the Spirit of God will touch them.
We pray that God’s kingdom will come in our homes and families.
Above all, we pray for divine visitation to all who are in want. We pray for the reign of Christ and his blessings upon us all:
‘Blessings abound where’re he reigns
The prisoner leaps to loose his chains
The weary find eternal rest
And all the sons of want are blessed’
Let us bring before God Church of England Five Marks of Mission,
To proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom
To teach, baptise and nurture new believers
To respond to human need by loving service
To seek to transform unjust structures of society, to challenge violence of every kind and to pursue peace and reconciliation
To strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth
Pray that God will enable the church leaders to match these words with action in the church mission action plan;
Visit your church with the power and the glory of your kingdom. Restore boldness, confidence and conviction to preach and live out the gospel. Let the power of your kingdom liberate the church from the shackles of all unholy alliances. Lord, let the power of your kingdom break and dethrone all unjust structures that have become part of God’s holy temple. Let your kingdom come and let the church purify itself from all defilements of body and spirit and to perfect in holiness out of reverence for your name O Lord.
Let your kingdom come in our midst so that in our time our churches will not be monuments but movements of people empowered by the Holy Spirit. Let your kingdom come so that our churches will not be historical relics but rather places of power, healing, Hope, restoration and spiritual worship.
We pray for Justin the Archbishop of Canterbury, Our rector Christoph, Ian, our pastoral team, PCC and all leaders of your church in all places:
‘Lord pour thy Spirit from on high
And thine ordained servants bless
Graces and gifts to each supply
And cloth thy priests with righteousness’ Amen 🙏🏿
Lord in your mercy hear our prayers