Prayers Friday 23rd April 2021
As the excitement and euphoria of Easter celebrations wanes and life begins to return to ‘normal’ help us O Lord Jesus to live in the light and reality of your resurrection.
Help us to know that the Maundy Thursday washing of feet is not merely a ceremonial and ritual thing but a command to daily bend down and roll up our sleeves to serve Christ by serving others. Help us to be willing to serve not occasionally but as a way of life.
Help us O Lord to know that the ‘new command to love one another’ is to be a daily practice and a demand to love even the unlovable. Help us to love even when it is difficult to do so.
Lord as you encountered the two on their way to Emmaus and set their hearts on fire for you, we pray for fresh encounter in our lives today. We pray that the scriptures will come true in our lives again.
We pray for boldness, conviction, renewed faith and power to joyfully live as witnesses to your resurrection today.
Above all, Lord we pray that we’ll know you and the power of your resurrection and to live our lives in that knowledge and power.
Dear risen, ever reigning and soon coming Lord Jesus, thank you for hearing us, for in you name we pray. Amen