Wellbeing Thought for Friday 19th March 2021
Friday 19 March
The journey of forgiveness
Studies have shown that forgiveness improves mental health and relationships, increases self-esteem and lowers anxiety and depression.
“Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.” (Matthew 6.12)
Our unwillingness to forgive can have a devastating impact on our relationship with God and can lead to harmful bitterness. Because of what Jesus has done, we can receive and release forgiveness! That doesn’t mean it’s easy – sometimes the healing process can take a longer time.
Another thing to consider is how easily we are offended. At times we will disagree and hurt one another, but in healthy relationships we are prepared to work things out and move on. In fact, as we weather these storms, our relationships will grow stronger.
> Reflect on areas of unforgiveness or bitterness that you may have. Ask God first to forgive you for holding an offence. Then choose to begin the journey of forgiving the other person. Invite the Lord to heal and help you.