Wellbeing Thought for Sunday 21st February 2021


Sunday 21 Feb

Emotional health matters

You may think you’re doing quite well with your emotional health. Dave Smith, the author of this course, only realised how much better his emotional health could be when he faced some of the ‘shadow sides’ of his personality type. Or you may be experiencing symptoms of depression or even burnout. God has a plan for our replenishment and wellbeing.

Our emotions matter! We see in Jesus’ life that he sometimes was joyful, angry, sad, grieving. God’s Spirit wants to heal us so that we can express our emotions in a healthy way. There is a place for both ‘positive’ and ‘negative’ emotions. Problems arise when we carry negative emotions long-term. For every negative emotion you endure, try to experience two or three positive ones! As Christians develop their relationship with the Holy Spirit, they experience the positive ‘fruit’ of his presence: ‘love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control’ (Galatians 5.22-23)

Take another look at your emotional dial: Is it red, amber or green? Invite the Holy Spirit to heal you and grow positive ‘fruit’ in your life.