Entries by Christoph Lindner

Wellbeing Thought for Sunday 14th March 2021

Sunday 14 March Relationships matter! There is healing power in relationships. We are hardwired to need one another. It’s often through our relationships with others that we survive life’s lowest moments. The Bible says that God himself is a relational being. There is one God who exists in three ‘persons’ – the Father, the Son […]

210314 Mothering Sunday Service

It’s Mothering Sunday! This service is brimming with encouragement, with your contributions, and with helpful insights into relational wellbeing. Join us for Church Coffee on Zoom afterwards.  [Find all the links below the video]   Church Coffee on Zoom: Meeting ID: 836 9097 1697 Passcode: Coffee CHILDREN AND FAMILIES: A special Mothering Sunday Craft… BONUS […]

Wellbeing Thought for Saturday 13th March 2021

Saturday, 13 March God’s school of financial wellbeing   If God had a school with different levels of learning about principles of financial wellbeing, the foundation class would be called ‘Perspectives’ and contain two lessons: Stewardship: God is the owner and we are the stewards of everything he has given us. We can seek his […]

Prayers Friday 12th March 2021

Thank you, Lord, for giving me the Christian faith, which shows me the path to follow. Fill me with your life as I spend time with you. Give me my daily bread so that I can accomplish your work. Lord, I offer you all my shortcomings, sins, and fears. Help me to walk forward, trusting […]

Wellbeing Thought for Friday 12th March 2021

Friday 12 March Pray Praying for provision is embedded in the Lord’s Prayer: We pray “hallowed by your name” and one of the names of God in the Bible is Yahweh Jireh (Genesis 22.12), which means ‘the Lord provides’. Then, after re-aligning our lives with the prayer “Your kingdom come, your will be done”, we […]

Wellbeing Thought for Thursday 11th March 2021

Thursday 11 March A journey of generosity  If we want to build generosity into our lives, we need to do it intentionally and with planning (read 1 Corinthians 16.23). This verse shows that giving is to be prioritized, regular, planned and proportional. We give to God first, not from our leftovers (priority), because he gave […]

Wellbeing Thought for Wednesday 10th March 2021

Wednesday 10 March Save and Give The 18th century preacher John Wesley famously said, “Earn all you can, give all you can, save all you can.” Receiving an income helps us to gain financial margin, save wisely and live generously. “Dishonest money dwindles away, but whoever gathers money little by little makes it grow.” (Proverbs […]

Wellbeing Thought for Tuesday 9th March 2021

Tuesday, 9 March Cultivating contentment The goal of financial wellbeing is ‘margin’ – to live within our means and to have a little left. The enemy of financial margin is not being content with what we have and to compare ourselves to others (typically those who have more!). The antidote is cultivating contentment (read Philippians […]