Annual Report for 2018

Annual Report for 2018

This is our annual report for 2018, which gives you a detailed insight into the life of the church, its groups and leadership structure.
The annual report forms the basis of our Annual Parochial Church Meeting on Sunday, 7 April, 11.45am.

Download the report…

Annual Report 2017

On Sunday 15th April we will hold our Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) directly after the morning service from 11.45am. At the meeting we will elect our churchwardens, PCC members and representatives at the Deanery Synod. It is also an opportunity to look back on 2017 with gratitude, thank church officers who are standing down and hear from our Rector about the journey ahead. Please join us!

(Everyone who is on the electoral roll is entitled to vote at the meeting. In addition, people who are resident in the parish are entitled to vote for churchwardens, but not other church officers.)

Please download our annual report for 2017 here…