Prayers Friday 19th Feb 2021.
Let us worship Jehovah, whose name alone is exalted above the earth and heavens. The God who is worthy of praises. The God whose greatness no one can fathom. The God who is gracious and compassionate. The God who is slow to anger and rich in love. The God whose dominion endures from generation to generation
Pray that through this season of Lent, by prayer and study and self discipline we may penetrate more deeply into the mystery of Christ’s suffering.
Pray that as we follow in the way of His cross and passion, we may come to share in the glory and triumph of his resurrection.
Pray that this season of lent will be a time of true repentance, that by his grace we may turn from whatever in our lives is at variance with his will.
And walk in the way of holiness and love
Matthew 11:28,
““Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”
Does your soul need refreshing today? God is constantly inviting us to step away from the hectic pace of life and come to Him to find rest for our souls. Are you facing challenges in your relationships? Finances? Career? God wants to refresh you. He wants to give you rest.
Today, make it a point to be still before God. Quiet your mind of all the things on your agenda and just focus on Him. Let Him love you, let Him speak to your heart, and let Him fill you with peace and strength each and every day.
Pray this prayer :
“Father, I come to You now and give You my cares and burdens. I thank You for working behind the scenes on my behalf. Thank You for loving me and setting me free. Thank You for giving me rest for my soul and peace in my heart today in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Merciful Father , accept these prayer for the sake of Jesus our Lord. Amen