Sermon: Don’t be idle in sharing your faith

This sermon was preached by Christoph Lindner on 17th November 2019 at our 10.30 service.

It is based on 2 Thessalonians 3.6-13.

At the end Christoph recommends five steps to avoid idleness in sharing our faith:

  1.  Re-ignite your spiritual life. Regular encounters with God, daily and weekly are key to that. Church services, lifegroup, personal times of prayer and bible reading are a spiritual gym!
  2. Do good work! No idleness! Whatever context you’re in – as a husband, mother, godparent, grandmother, neighbour, work colleague, pupil, bridge club member, pilates class participant: Do good work! That will earn you the respect of those you are with and open the door to friendship:
  3. Be a friend to people, get to know them, be the best neighbour you can be.  Are you making friends with people who are not like you?
  4. Don’t hide the fact that you are a Christian and that you go to church.  If you are open about the fact that you are a Christian, opportunities will arise. They will eventually ask questions! Simple example: How do you answer the question “what did you do this weekend”?
  5. Pray regularly for family, friends and neighbours. That God would open their spiritual eyes. Because only God can do that. You and I are only signposts.
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