Wellbeing Thought for Sunday 28th February 2021
Sunday 28 Feb
True rest and refreshing
Holidays can be good for our replenishment, but they don’t necessarily satisfy our need for spiritual rest and wellbeing. Saint Augustine famously said, “Your Lord have made us for yourself, and our hearts are restless, until they can find yest in you.” Selwyn Hughes writes, “If God is not satisfying our souls, we will seek something else to satisfy us.”
Our spiritual wellbeing is of critical importance to every other area of our lives.
God’s forgiveness, peace, presence and rest is available to all who accept what Jesus is offering them! The Bible promises that all who believe in and receive Jesus are born again, made spiritually new and alive through his resurrection power.
No matter how long we have been a Christian, we need to keep coming to Christ and ‘drink’ regularly, because – in the words of John Wimber – ‘we leak’!
If you have never experienced Jesus coming into your life, then why not invite him today? You could pray like this: “Lord Jesus, I admit my need of you and invite you to come and forgive me. I believe that you died and rose again so that I could receive new joy, purpose, hope and wellbeing. Please come into my life and fill me with your Holy Spirit. I commit to following you and your ways all the days of my life. Amen.”
If you follow Jesus as your Lord, why not turn this prayer into thanksgiving and recommit your life to him?