Wellbeing Thought for Wednesday 3rd March 2021

Wednesday 3 March

God’s not in a box!


There are so many ways in which we can communicate with God! We will always discover new ways to pray, because can’t box God in!

Elijah was used to seeing God reveal himself in great power. Now, on Mount Sinai, God comes to him in a gentle whisper or a ‘still small voice’ (1 Kings 19.12).

Here are some ways that might help you develop your relationship with God:

  • Read and reflect on Scripture
  • Journal
  • Pray the Lord’s Prayer, taking a phrase at a time as a guide
  • Pray other biblical prayers
  • Sing worship songs to God
  • Pray the Prayer of Awareness or ‘Examen’ (see 26 Feb)
  • Pray set prayers or ‘offices’ such as the daily prayers of the Church of England.
  • Spend time in silence and solitude learning to be still to mediate on Scripture or just bask in God’s loving presence.

> Discover a different way of connecting with God this week!
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