BBC Report: Young more likely to pray than over-55s

Young people in the UK are twice as likely as older people to pray regularly, a new survey has found.

Some 51% of 18 to 34-year-olds polled by Savanta ComRes said they pray at least once a month, compared with 24% of those aged 55 and over.

It also found 49% of the younger age group attend a place of worship every month, compared with 16% of over-55s.

The associate director of Savanta said the numbers could reflect the move to online worship during the pandemic.

Chris Hopkins added that there were “a few theories” as to why young people made up such a large proportion of the religious landscape.

“Firstly, as the demography of the UK changes, minority faiths do tend to have a larger proportion of practising young people, and therefore as the population of these groups increases within the UK, so will the prayer habits of the population at large,” he said.

He explained it was important to “factor in the impact the pandemic has had on the ability to engage with one’s faith” with virtual prayers and services being held online.

“It is possible that the pandemic opened up more avenues to prayer to young people, and this is reflected in the findings,” he said.

Click here for the full story…

Prayers Friday 24th September 2021

Pray for attentiveness to what truly matters, without being distracted by trivial things.
Pray for opportunities to learn something new regularly.
Pray for discernment of how God would like you to set your priorities and the ability to focus on them consistently to fulfill His purposes in your life.
Pray for the grace to be able to rest, become aware of God’s presence, and enjoy it.
Pray for strong relationships with other people in the bond of a loving community.
Pray for peace in all situations, no matter what the circumstances.
Pray for an enlivened imagination that helps you contribute to the world in creative ways.
Pray for freedom from all that burdens you – past mistakes, fears, destructive habits, hurts other people have inflicted, and more.
Pray for joy , comfort and a sense of humor.
Pray for confidence in God’s love for you and trust in His power to work things out for the best in your life.
Pray for a clear mind and the ability to clearly communicate what you value to others.
Pray for openness to the Holy Spirit’s guidance.
Pray for a genuine awareness of God’s grace in your life and the humility to extend grace to others.
Pray for a passion to pursue justice.

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayers !

Prayers Friday 17th September 2021

Give thanks for the success of our Patronal festival and for all who organised it. Thank God for the good weather He gave us within those two days.
Pray that our God in His infinite goodness and mercy will nurture every new relationship built with our unchurched members of our community in the course of this festival, that He will fan every spark developed into flame.
Give thanks for the commitment of the church in England and the world at large to the marginalised,  for its faithfulness to the gospel and its witness to the gospel’s power to change and save lives.
Pray for young families who are finding it difficult to come to church, that God will fill in any gaps in their lives and strengthen their faith.
Pray for the church in its mission to preach the word of God and its commitment to speak in languages and dialects its hearers will understand,  pray that God’s great commission will be honoured and the gospel will be heard all over the world.
Pray for the church leaders to have faith and courage in the face of difficulty, especially in this current climate, that they may find strength to suffer with Christ and be changed into his likeness.
Pray for places of education that they may seek to broaden the minds and skills of those who seek to learn and offer a vision of a fairer world.
Pray for places of employment that they may be free from discrimination and prejudice, that employer and employee may work together to ensure fairness for all.
Lord on your mercy, hear our prayers

Prayers Friday 10th September 2021

Today we remember St. Mary’s festival coming up this weekend

Let us thank the Lord for His goodness to us as a parish in ages past and in the years to come.
We pray for all who have served this church in various capacity through the years that are past and for those serving currently in His continuing worship and witness in our own day.
Pray that God will accept our thanksgiving for what He has done, take our lives as we dedicate them anew to your service.
Pray that God will Prosper our endeavours to further his gospel and kingdom in the days to come.
Pray for good weather on Saturday and Sunday and that all that will come will joyfully be part of this great celebration. May this festival be a blessing to our community.
Pray that all who will be involved in any way will have renewed strength and deeper encounter with you as they serve you and our community.
Lord, thank you for your constant goodness in our lives and for making your home in us. Thank you for offering us a whole new life with you. Help us to recognize you as you break forth into our lives, into our community . Show us your glory, and help us put all of my hope in you.
Lord, We trust that you will keep us in perfect peace as we meditate on all that you have done for us whether it cost us to lament or to laugh.
Open our eyes to see you. Open our ears to hear you. Open our hearts to receive you. Open our minds so that we can understand and discern your will. Help us to welcome the new things that you want to do in us .

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayers

Prayers Friday 3rd September 2021

Thank you, Lord, for your constant presence in my life. Thank you for giving me a body that reveals your glory. Fill me with greater affection for you as I  surrender all of my life to you.
Stir up my hope and expectation for the day when I step into the fullness of all your promises. Lord, I want to glorify you in all that I do. Renew and re-create in me whatever feels tired and used up. Help me to recognize and acknowledge the big and little miracles you have done in my life.
Give me the courage to persist in my prayer, even as you give me the peace of knowing that you will work things out for my good. Help me to put you first each day, so that I can find my home with you.
Holy Spirit, I need your wisdom and self control so that I can stand firm. Transform my thoughts, intentions, and actions by your grace. Take my life, and mold it into your image. Take me by the hand, and lead me through the open doors. May my worship today, bring me closer to you and make me reflect more of your character. Amen.
Good morning.

Have an amazing day GOD bless us all

Prayers Friday 27th August 2021

Lord, you are my strong deliverer. In your protection, I rest secured. You are the prize I am seeking. I trust in you even when I can’t see how my prayers will be answered. How can I ever thank you for redeeming me and giving me new life. I will sing today of your victory and your mercy.
Show me how to put myself fully in your hands, so that your presence may flow into every part of my life. Lord, I want to love you and serve you with everything I am. I want you to form me and train me so that I can be your instrument. Help me to recognize your presence and to welcome your power at work in my life. May I always seek you and always be attractive to your presence in my life. May I become an instrument of your miraculous presence today.
Come, Holy Spirit, and show me your power. Help me to use the gifts you have given me to grow into the person that you want me to become. Give me the grace to say yes to your promptings. Grant me your peace and strength to walk through this day. Amen.

Prayers Friday 20th August 2021

The Lord God Almighty, not only do we put our trust in You, we also appreciate Your Faithfulness, Your Mercy,  Your Love, Your Graciousness , Your patience and Compassion upon our lives.

From the rising of the sun⛅ to the setting of the same, Your Glory is always upon us, hence nothing will threaten the peace that only you offer.

You O Lord God, will always be there for us, giving Answers to our prayers and opening new chapters in our lives as a people and as a community. We put our trust in You, You are compassionate, Gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in love. May Your Name continually be Praised in our lives, in Jesus name.

God is with us all!

Prayers Friday 13th August 2021

Thank you Lord for opening heaven’s blessings to me every day. Thank you for keeping watch over me. me. Make me holy and fill me with your love. Come and be the foundation of my faith. Reveal your work to me even when mysteries surround me.
Help me to find creative ways to come closer to you. Lord, I believe that you are more than I know. I accept your invitation to a new understanding of your love and plan.
Lift me up to see the truth of your power and mercy and plan for me. Give me the courage to put aside anything that hinders your plan. Give me the grace to do all I can to deepen my relationship with you so that I can remain faithful all the days of my life.
Holy Spirit, I want to abandon myself to your plan. Forgive all my sins and strengthen me by your Holy Spirit in me to resist evil at all times.
Open my heart so that I can experience your presence as I worship you. Help me to be more attentive to your purpose for me.
May my worship bring me closer to you and make me reflect more of your character. Amen.

Prayers Friday 8th August 2021

Lord, you are the king of ages. You are the incorruptible, invisible, and only wise God. I give you honour and glory forever.
Thank you for offering me a share in your power and grace. Thank you for the needs you are laying on my heart. Help me to come into your presence today with a heart full of love. Lord, I step forth today rejoicing in your faithfulness and in the courage and joy that you bring to my life.
Help me hold onto my joy, especially when I face the difficult challenges of life. I want to fill the corners of my life with the happiness and peace of knowing that I am victorious in you. Let no stumbling block come between me and your will for me. May your presence flow into every part of my life, so that I can radiate your life to everyone around me.
Holy Spirit, I welcome you into my life today. Come in with all your power and strength. Come and break forth like the dawn in my heart. Draw me closer to you through the limits in my life. Direct my attitude, help me to sense your guidance, and fill my heart with your joy. Amen.
Good morning
Have a  pleasant weekend ahead.

GOD bless 🙏

At Home With God: A New Prayer Trail at St Mary’s

Prayers inspired by our homes – why not take some time in St Mary’s Churchyard to linger and pray?

Download all the prayers to use them creatively in your own home…

(Thank you to Cathy and Kath for creating this prayer trail.)