Prayers Friday 23rd July 2021

In love and trust, let us pray to our God.
Our faithful God, give us the courage to tell out your truth without fear and to work for your kingdom with joy.  Thank you for the support and love of other Christians and the richness of the varied traditions. May we focus our attention on you with such love that  all unnecessary divisions between us may crumble.
We pray for our law makers and keepers in our nation .May our laws work to uphold what is just and true.
We pray that we may live in Godly peace and goodwill through choice. rather than through fear of punishment , may we reject deceit and flattery so that our motives and behaviour are honest and Our love for one another clear as the day
We pray for our lawbreakers and all in prisons and all returning to the community.
We  pray for those imprisoned by guilt or shame or trapped by physical frailty, illness or paralysis . We pray for those whose lives are tragically disrupted by war or famine, poverty and disease.
We give you thanks for the love pour out to us each moment of each day  and ask you the grace to live our gratitude and give freely of what we have freely received.

Lord in your mercy, please hear our prayers.

Prayers Friday 16th July 2021

Open unto me, light for my darkness
Open unto me, courage for my fear
Open unto me, hope for my despair
Open unto me, peace for my turmoil
Open unto me, joy for my sorrow
Open unto me, strength for my weakness
Open unto me, wisdom for my confusion
Open unto me, forgiveness for my sins
Open unto me, tenderness for my toughness
Open unto me, love for my hates
Open unto me, Thy Self for myself
Lord, Lord, open unto me!


Prayers Friday 9th July 2021

Thank you Lord that your victory over sin and death means new life for us is a reality.
We pray that we may recognise you as you walk through our days and we ask you to disturb our complacency which is blurring our spiritual vision .
We pray for the courage to speak out against injustice and oppression.
We pray that our leaders may establish and uphold right values and sensitive  legislation.
We pray for those of our families and friends who have not yet met you ( please mention their names) that they may be drawn into your company so that they may enjoy your faithfulness and love.
We remember those whose lives are filled with pain, anxiety or sorrow and ask you to come along side them.
With the words of resurrection fresh in our minds, we commend to your eternal love those who have died,  that they may live with you forever. ( please mention the names of those you can remember )
Father May our lips and our lives express our thanks and praise to you for rescuing us and setting us free to live for you.
Risen Lord as you draw near to two of your disciples on the Emmaus Road and at evening stayed with them in their village home , be our own unseen companion along the daily journey of our life and at the ending of the day, come and abide with us in our dwellings for your love’s sake.
Help us Lord our God to hear and obey your call to us, as those who have been raised with Christ, to seek the things that are above where Christ is , seated at your right hand. That our thoughts may be  set on heavenly things, not on things of earth, and we may be partakers of his risen life until we are manifested with him and glory.  We ask these in your name !

Lord in your mercy, hear our prayers.

Prayers Friday 25th June 2021

Lord we thank you for the precious gift of health, for our sight, our speech, our hearing, for all the powers of body and mind which enable us to enjoy life to the full .
Father we thank you for the gift of Jesus Christ to be the way the truth and the life
For the love which moved him to endure the cross for us and for all mankind . We thank you Lord for the victory of his resurrection and the glory of his Ascension.
Forgive the apathy and lack of courage which hamper our witness as Christians , Our busy occupation with lesser things which prevents us from seeing the great vision of your kingdom . Forgive  our pride and jealousy which keep us from involvement with others in your service . Our many failures to mould our desires and plans into the shape of your lovely will, our prejudices which hold us back from doing what you have called us to do in the mission of the church.
Lord forgive our unreasoned fear of change and of new patterns of unity in ministry and worship. We confess our little faith, our loss of hope, our lack of love . Father forgive what we have been.
Thank you Lord for the blessings received in belonging to each other in the fellowship of the holy spirit; thank you for the privilege of being called to discipleship of Jesus Christ to bear witness to his eternal presence and his saving power.
Please teach us to safeguard the health that is ours, to deepen our compassion for those who suffer illness. Help us to use the days of our strength  in your service for your glory.
We remember our PCC Away day tomorrow
We pray for the flourishing of God’s gifts to his church –
God our father you give us gifts that we may work together in the service of your son.
Bless the leaders of your church especially in Denham parish, that they may be firm in faith and humble before you.
Bless those who teach that they may increase our understanding and be open to your word for them.
Bless those who minister healing that they may bring wholeness to others yet know your healing in themselves
Bless those through whom you speak  that they made proclaim your word in power yet open their ears to  your gentle whisper.
Bless those who work in your world today, that in the complexity of their daily lives they may live for you, filling your purposes and seek your kingdom first.
Bless those who are on certain of the gifts and those who are powerless that they may be made strong in your gift of the holy spirit .

Please give us grace to dedicate our freedom to your service that we and all creation may be brought to the glorious liberty of the children of God through Jesus Christ your son our Lord, Amen